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As Hurricane Season Approaches, Make Sure You Have Impact Sliding Glass Doors and Windows

The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins on June 1 and lasts until November 30 each year. Hopefully 2019 won’t feature too many devastating storms but without a doubt: hurricanes are approaching the United States.

Even though hurricane season is right around the corner, it’s never too late to get impact sliding glass doors and windows installed in your home. If you’re a Florida resident, you need to work with trusted impact window and glass door manufacturers in order to keep your home, property, and family safe year-round.

The Florida Building Code (FBC) requires impact resistant windows to be installed if a home or business is located within one mile of the coast where the wind speed is 110 miles per hour or greater. Window and door systems with impact resistant glazing systems of 105/-130 can withstand extremely powerful hurricane force winds.

Here are some important things you should keep in mind when it comes to impact resistant windows and doors:

  • Verify the legitimacy of glass door manufacturers — Prior to having your new window and door systems installed, you need to do a little research on prospective glass door manufacturers. The first thing you should do to verify that the installer is reputable is to give them a call and ask about their experience, services, and references.
  • Choose the right products — Once you’ve checked on the legitimacy of the company, you need to select the right windows and doors that are perfect for your home. You should first look for impact sliding glass door and window systems that have weathered different categories of storms. Next, talk with your installer about which products would look best in your home.
  • Determine the lead time for a finished project — Lead time is the time between the initiation and completion of a production process. It’s fairly unrealistic to expect quality impact glass doors and windows to be installed in your home within an hour or two after you call the installer. Conversely, you don’t want to wait until deep into hurricane season to have these products installed, either. Make sure you discuss lead time right away so you know what to expect.

If you want to learn more about impact resistant windows and doors and work with experienced door and window manufacturers in Florida, contact Engineering Glass Systems right away!