Hurricane Otis Hits Category 5 in 24 Hours, Devastates Acapulco: Is Your High-Rise Ready?
Being a property owner in hurricane zones is challenging. Catastrophic hurricanes, such as Hurricane Otis, can cause extensive property damage and injuries. When Otis struck Acapulco Mexico, 27 people were killed and millions of dollars of damage was sustained. On the other side of tragedies like this, property owners are left asking what can be done differently to protect people and property.
Hurricane proof windows are one way real estate developers owning high-rise buildings can add extra protection for tenants and investments. Let’s look at a few reasons why you should consider installing hurricane proof windows.
Decreased Risk of Shatters
Hurricane proof windows are designed to cut down the risk of glass shattering when exposed to high winds or debris. Not only does this help to protect the investment you’ve made in the windows, but it also helps to protect the people inside the building. The Atlantic’s hurricane season runs from June 1 through Nov 30th each year, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Even during this season, people may resist instructions to evacuate. This means that your high-rise buildings may very well be occupied by residents not following proper procedure during a hurricane threat. Bypassing the risk of shattering glass will ensure that you’re equipping your building with protective measures regardless.
Improved Insurance Rates
Another added benefit is that you can improve insurance premiums when you’ve taken a precaution such as having impact-resistant windows installed. Insurance rates for property owners in hurricane zones are already a huge expense. Every little bit that you can save on these expenses will help your bottom line. Talk to your insurance representative about how making these types of modifications might improve your insurance premiums in the long term.
Improved ROI
As a real estate investor and property owner, you know that your success all depends on the return on your investment. There are many factors that will ultimately affect the return on your investment, and the types of property upgrades you make are definitely one of those factors. When it’s time to make decisions about upgrades, you need to invest in changes that will add protection and longevity. Hurricane proof windows accomplish both of these goals.
If you’d like to learn more about hurricane proof windows, please contact EGS International today. Our team of experts can help you make window choices to protect your real estate.