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3 Qualities of Well-Made Impact-Resistant Windows

Florida is known for a lot of things. Beautiful beaches, for one. Unfortunately, it’s also known for being a target for hurricanes. That’s why the Florida Building Code declares that windows have to be impact-resistant if your place is at least a mile from the coast where a hurricane’s wind speed is 110 mph or higher. Fortunately, impact-resistant windows are out there. Here are three of their best qualities.

1. Well-Tested

The manufacturers of wholesale windows and doors that are impact-resistant put them through a lot of rigorous testing. They know that property owners will be relying on them to make sure their residents will be safe from the high wind speeds that hurricanes generate. So, they put the windows through their paces before putting them out on the market.

2. Energy Efficient

Another thing that wholesale windows and doors that are impact-resistant can provide protection against high energy bills. When they are professionally installed and all the cracks around them are caulked off, they do an excellent job of keeping all the hot or frigid air outside so that the HVAC won’t have to strain to keep the interior at a comfortable level. That’s great for energy usage.

3. Strong Frames

When it comes to impact-resistant windows, the glass can only resist so much if the frame around it is weak. That’s why the manufacturers make sure that they make the frames of equally durable material. That’s what’s going to keep the windows in place while the hurricane-strength winds are howling outside.

No matter how long you’ve lived or owned property in Florida, it’s always stressful preparing for an incoming hurricane. By making sure the windows are strong, you can focus on securing the rest of your place. Do some due diligence on the companies that are selling and installing them too. The installation is part of the equation as well. If you’re a condominium owner or general contractor, reach out today to hear about our wholesale options.

Once you’re sure that you’ve gotten the best windows that can withstand hurricanes, you’ll feel a lot less stressed. Then it’s a matter of other preparations. You’ll be a lot more secure when the hurricane arrives.

Are you looking for wholesale windows and doors for your condo or high-rise? We sell them at excellent prices, and we also do the installation of these products. Contact us today to learn more!


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